Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: The Pattern of Painful Adventures (Quarto)
  • Editors: Tom Bishop, Andrew Forsberg

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: Laurence Twine
    Editors: Tom Bishop, Andrew Forsberg
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Pattern of Painful Adventures (Quarto)

    How Apollonius is made Schoolemaster to Lucina, and how she preferreth the love of him, above all the nobilitie of Pentapolis.
    WHEN night was come, and every one was at rest, Lucinia laie unquietly tumbling in her bed, alwaies thinking upon Apollonius, and could not sleep. Wherefore, in the morning she rose very early, and came in to the king her father's chamber. Whom when her father saw, "what is the matter, daughter Lucina," quoth he, "that contrary to custome you be stirring so earleie this morning?" "Deere father," quoth Lucina, "I could take no rest al this night, for the desire I have to learn musicke of Apollonius; and therefore I pray you good father, to put me unto him to be instructed in the Art of Musicke, and other good qualities, wherein hee is skilfull." When Altistrates heard his daughter's talke, he smiled within himselfe, when hee perceived the warmed affection kindled within her breast, which with so seemely a pretence she had covered, as the desire to learne, and determined in part presently to satisfie her request: and when time served, he sent a messenger for Apollonius. And when he was come, he said unto him: "Apollonius my daughter much desireth to be your scholler, and therefore I pray you take her to your governement, and instruct her the best you can, and I will reward you to your contentation." Apollonius answered, "gracious prince, I am moste willing to obey your commaundement." So hee tooke the ladie, and instructed her in the best maner he coulde, even as himselfe had learned: wherein she profited so well, that in short time she matched, or rather surpassed her maister. Thus increased shee not onely in learning, but grew also daily in more fervent love of Apollonius, as, whether standing in doubt of her father's resolute good wil if he were moved concerning marriage, or fearing the time woulde be deferred in respect whereof she was presently ready, in so much that she fell sicke and became weaker everie day than other. When the king perceived his daughter's infirmitie to increase, hee sent immediatlie throughout all the dominions for the learnedst phisitions to search out her griefe and to cure it, who examining her urine, and feeling her pulse, coulde finde out no manifest cause or substance of her disease.
    After a few dayes that this happened, three noble yong men of the same countrey, which had been suters a long time unto Lucina for marriage, came unto the Court, and being brought into the king's presence saluted him dutifully. To whom the king said, "Gentlemen, what is the cause of your comming?" They answered, "your Grace had oftentimes promised to bestow your daughter in marriage, upon one of us, and this is the cause of our comming at this time. Wee are your subjectes, wealthie, and descended of noble families, might it therefore please your Grace to choose one among us three, to be your sonne in law." Then answered the king "you are come unto me at an unseasonable time, for my daughter now applieth her studie, and lieth sicke for the desire of learning, and the time is much unmeet for marriage. But to the intent you shall not altogether loose your labour, nor that I will not seeme to deferre you too long, write your names every one severally in a peece of paper, and what joynter you will make, and I will send the writinges to my daughter, that she may choose him whom she best liketh of." They did forthwith as the king had counselled them, and delivered the writings unto the king, which hee read, and signed them, and delivered them unto Apollonius, saying: Take here these billes, and deliver them to your scholler, which Apollonius received, and tooke them immediatly unto the ladie Lucina.
    Now when she sawe her schoolemaister whom she loved so entirely, she said unto him: "Maister, what is the cause that you come alone into my chamber?" Apollonius answered: "Madame, I have brought writings from the king your father, which he willeth you to reade." Lucina then received the writinges, and brake them up, and when she had reade the names of the three noblemen her suters, shee threw away the billes, and looking upon Apollonius, she said unto him: "My welbeloved Schoolemaister Apollonius, doth it not greeve you that I shall be married unto another?" Apollonius answered, "No madame it greeveth not me, for whatsoever shall be for your honour, shall be unto me profitable." Then said Lucina, "Maister, if you loved me you woulde be sorie," and therewithall she called for inke and paper, and wrote an answere unto her father in forme following. "Gracious king and deare father, forasmuch as of your goodnesse you have given me free choice, and libertie to write my minde: these are to let you understand, that I would marry with the Sea-wrecked man, and with none other: your humble daughter, Lucina."
    95And when she had sealed it, she delivered it unto Apollonius to be carried unto the king. When the king had received the letters, he perused them, wherein he perceived his daughter's minde, not knowing whom she meant by the sea-wrecked man: and therefore turning himselfe towardes the three Noblemen, hee demaunded of them which of them had suffered shipwracke? Then one of them named Ardonius, answered, "If it like your Grace, I have suffred shipwrack?" The other twaine named Munditius, and Carnillus, when they heard him say so, waxed wroth, and fel into termes of outrage against him, saying: "sicknesse, and the fiends of hell consume thee, for thy foule and impudent lie: doe not we, who are thy equals both of birth and age, know right well that thou never wontest almost out of this citie gates? And how couldest thou then suffer shipwracke?" Nowe when the king Altistrates could not finde out which of them had suffered shipwrack, he looked towards Apollonius, saying: "Take these letters and read them, for it may be that I doe not knowe him whom thou knowest, who was present." Apollonius receiving the letters, perused them quickly, and perceiving himselfe to be loved, blushed wonderfully. Then said the king to Apollonius, hast thou found the sea-wrecked man? But Apollonius answered litle or nothing, wherein his wisedome the rather appeared according to the saying of the wise man: in many words there wanteth discretion; where as contrariwise, many an undiscreet person might be accounted wise if hee had but this one point of wisdom, to hold his tongue. Wherin indeed consisteth the whole triall or rather insight of a man, as signified the most wise Philosopher Socrates.